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Subject-verb agreement is one of the most critical grammar rules that every writer and copy editor must be aware of. This rule ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number and person. The third rule of subject-verb agreement is essential to understand as it deals with singular and plural nouns and the verbs that go with them. Let`s take a closer look at this rule with some examples.

Rule No. 3: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs.

Example 1: The cat chases the mouse.

In this sentence, the subject `cat` is singular, and the verb `chases` is also singular. There is an agreement between the subject and the verb in terms of number, making the sentence grammatically correct.

Example 2: The dogs chase the cat.

In this sentence, the subject `dogs` is plural, and the verb `chase` is plural too. Again, there is agreement between the subject and the verb in terms of number.

Example 3: Either the cat or the dogs chase the mouse.

In this sentence, the subject `either` is singular, but it is followed by two choices `cat` and `dogs` which are plural. The verb `chase` needs to agree with the subject `either` which is singular. Therefore, the correct sentence would be: Either the cat or the dogs chases the mouse.

Example 4: All of the students love pizza.

In this sentence, the subject `students` is plural, and the verb `love` is also plural. The phrase `all of` does not affect the subject-verb agreement.

Example 5: Neither of the boys likes to eat vegetables.

In this sentence, the subject `neither` is singular. Although there are two choices `boys`, the verb `likes` needs to agree with the singular subject `neither`. Therefore, the correct sentence would be: Neither of the boys likes to eat vegetables.

In conclusion, being aware of the third rule of subject-verb agreement is vital to producing effective and grammatically correct writing. Always ensure that the subject and verb agree in number, whether the noun is singular or plural. This rule is especially crucial in SEO, where small mistakes can have a massive impact on the visibility and credibility of a website. With practice, it becomes easier to identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors, leading to cleaner and more polished writing.